Social and Cultural committee (SCC)

Social and Cultural Committee (SCC) allocates and approves money for all the College’s clubs, societies and social functions.

Its clubs, societies and sub-committees encompass most of the life of the Wolfson community. 

Clubs, Societies and Sub-Committees

Ball Committee

Every year, a committee of students is invited to organise a Christmas Ball on a theme of their choice, and a summer event to cater for the whole community. This is a great opportunity to get to know people and to work as a team to put together an exciting programme of entertainment.


The Cellar Bar and Games Room is run by a student club whose committee is known as 'Barco'. Learn more.

Entertainments (ENTZ)

Learn more.

Art Society/Art Sub-Committee

Wolfson has a well-established reputation as the college in Oxford that takes contemporary art seriously. The Arts Society aims to bring together members of College, from different cultures and disciplines, who are interested in the visual arts. The Society organises exhibitions, displays, art classes and runs a picture loan scheme. The committee meets twice a term at 12.30pm on Wednesdays of Weeks 0 and 5. Learn more.

Music Society

We have an active Music Society with regular concerts in the Leonard Wolfson Auditorium featuring professional musicians, including the Fournier Trio. If you would like to get involved please email the Art Administrator.

Family Society

Is a society that are hear to organise social events for families. Learn more.