Reinstatement of the Mind, Brain and Behaviour Research Cluster

Published on
Wednesday 18 January 2023
Science & Technology

The Mind, Brain and Behaviour (MBB) Cluster is a newly re-launched Research Cluster based at Wolfson College, and is currently inviting new members.

The MBB Research Cluster brings together members of the College community interested in the mind and brain and the interactions with the body and environment. The Cluster draws from a range of expertise including neuroscience, neurology, psychology, ethology, zoology, pharmacology, and psychiatry.

The main activity will involve ‘mutual tutorials’, whereby two experts from different backgrounds explain their research topic to each other in an informal setting, in front of other Cluster members, finding common ground and understanding. The goal is for each expert to communicate their enthusiasm and interest of their research to the other, so that Cluster members become more informed about the rich variety of research on the mind and brain conducted by members of the college.

Topics include: spatial navigation, dementia, epilepsy, neuropathic pain, consciousness, the gut-brain axis, sleep, sensory processing, drug dependence, neurodegeneration, plasticity, oscillations, social behaviour, decision making, brain development, mental health.

We also plan to invite external speakers and hold workshops. Cluster events will also benefit students and early career researchers by giving them an opportunity to explain their research expertise in front of a diverse audience.

For more information, and to join the MBB Cluster, click here