
Music and Artificial Intelligence: mimic or muse?

Add to Calendar Music and Artificial Intelligence: mimic or muse?The Leonard Wolfson Auditorium
The Leonard Wolfson Auditorium
Robert Laidlow and David De Roure
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Developments in AI research suggest that it is increasingly hard to distinguish human and machine as the composer of a piece of music. Is AI set to replace the human composer? Through a series of works and performances, we have demonstrated a different approach: that AI can be a collaborator in co-creating new music. In this talk we welcome Dr Robert Laidlow, whose recent work Silicon was performed by the BBC Philharmonic last October, billed by New Scientist as "BBC Philharmonic Orchestra Performs with AI for the First Time". David De Roure will also talk about a recent collaboration in Oxford exploring the future of music and technology through hip hop. Robert and David have collaborated in their AI research through the Centre for Practice & Research in Science & Music (PRiSM) at the Royal Northern College of Music, and The Alan Turing Institute.