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A Fireside Chat with George Monbiot

Add to Calendar A Fireside Chat with George MonbiotThe Buttery
The Buttery
George Monbiot
Event price
Booking Required
There is provision for wheelchair users.

George Monbiot has kindly agreed to join us for a Fireside Chat in the Buttery before his 6pm lecture in the Leonard Wolfson Lecture Auditorium.

If we learned anything from George's last talk at Wolfson, it's that climate change is hard to talk about. This is your chance to discuss dicey topics in a private space with one of the world's leading climate activists.

Brought to you by Wolfson's Earth Emergency Cluster, this fireside chat will be hosted under Chatham House Rule to create a trusted environment where we can talk through complex problems in confidence. You're free to share and receive information with the added security that your identity remains private outside of that room. There will be no live stream or recording of any kind, including photographs.

  • Spaces are limited to 30
  • One ticket per person
  • Wolfson students only
  • You must book using your Wolfson address
  • Booking is mandatory

Tickets will be checked at the door. If you don't check in, you will be charged £10 to your Battels account. This is to ensure attendance as places are limited.

PS. Spaces are very limited and no-shows are at the expense of someone who would have loved to attend. Please keep this in mind and let us know at least two days before the event if you can't come.

Click here to book your space now.