Vlatko Vedral heads groundbreaking programme on quantum technologies

Published on
Sunday 30 September 2012
College & Community
Wolfson People
Science & Technology

Professor Vedral was appointed co-director of the Oxford Martin Programme on Bio-Inspired Quantum Technologies, which was inspired by nature's apparent capacity to efficiently process quantum information, and was launched on 1st October. The research team, which includes Wolfson Fellows Professors Samson Abramsky and Bob Coecke as principal investigators, hope to replicate these natural processes, creating the building blocks of future quantum computers. 

Professor Ian Goldin, Director of the Oxford Martin School, welcomed the new Programme, saying: “We need fresh approaches that break out of academic silos if we are to address mounting global problems."

The groundbreaking new approach could lead to the first quantum computer with a large enough memory to make it capable of modelling systems such as climate models or physiological function, which are too challenging for today's supercomputers.

Professors Vedral, Abramsky, and Coeke are also members of the Quantum Foundations Research Cluster at Wolfson. The activities of the cluster include bimonthly discussion meetings on Wednesday evenings, to which everyone interested is welcome. To receive information on forthcoming activities, please email the cluster mailing list.