Quantum Foundations Research Cluster
The quest for understanding the quantum world remains one of the greatest challenges on the scientific agenda.
Despite a century of involvement of the greatest minds there is still no consensus on what the quantum world is really about and how it relates to our everyday experiences.
The Quantum Foundations Research Cluster at Wolfson tackles not only the big questions about the nature of the universe that have troubled scientists from Einstein to Stephen Hawking (Does God play dice?), but equally applies quantum theory to real-world technological advances, such as helping Google understand language.
Our approach is unique for the range of perspectives we bring to this challenge, including philosophy, logic, computing, quantum phenomena and life, nanotechnology, and even areas of artificial intelligence. Several of these activities have received wide media coverage.
The Cluster unites members from the Computer Science, Materials, Mathematics, Philosophy, and Physics Departments of the University, making it an interdisciplinary activity unique in its kind.
While Wolfson College has a remarkably large number of Fellows and DPhil students active in the area, the activities of the cluster also attract many leading scientists from other colleges.
The activities of the cluster include bimonthly discussion meetings on Wednesday evenings, to which everyone interested is welcome. Please email the mailing list to receive information on forthcoming activities.
Wolfson Academics
Samson Abramsky (Christopher Strachey Professor of Computing)
Jonathan Barrett (Associate Professor of Computer Science)
Andrew Briggs (Professor of Nanomaterials)
Harvey Brown (Professor of Philosophy of Physics)
Bob Coecke (Professor of Quantum Foundations, Logics and Structures)
Vlatko Vedral (Professor of Quantum Information Theory)