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Jingjin Fan

Marie Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Junior Research Fellow

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Dr. Fan is a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Oxford, working under the supervision of Professor Stephan Rauschenbach and Professor Dame Carol Robinson. Dr. Fan’s research focuses on advancing soft-landing techniques to integrate native mass spectrometry with Cryo-EM, enabling the exploration of gas-phase structures and conformational dynamics of membrane proteins. This work aims to deepen our understanding of membrane protein structures in the gas phase, offering valuable insights into their behavior in unique environments. During her PhD at Tsinghua University, under the supervision of Professor Xiaoyu Zhou and Professor Zheng Ouyang, Dr. Fan developed the microdroplet ESI soft-landing platform. She utilized this approach to study the structural integrity of large protein complexes and the process of amyloid fibrillation. Her research has been published in respected journals such as Nature Methods, Chemical Science, Analytical Chemistry, etc.

Research Interests
Soft-landing, Structure biology, Native Mass Spectrometry, Cryo-EM