Law in Societies
We bring together those with an interest in the rules, both formal and informal, by which social order has been organised at different times, in different cultures and in different contexts.
About the Cluster
The Law in Societies Cluster provides an opportunity for Fellows of Wolfson, external speakers and a mixed academic and public audience to explore various facets of law and legal phenomena. The Cluster exists to serve everyone interested in the multiple forms in which law emerged, has then been interpreted and exercised across the world and through history.
The Law in Societies Cluster arranges a variety of events, including one public lecture a term, panel discussions, ‘author meets reader’ sessions, and more.
The Cluster also sponsors a multidisciplinary graduate students’ discussion group in the College to support students from a variety of fields of knowledge whose projects touch upon socio-legal issues broadly defined.
The Cluster is co-convened by Dr Marina Kurkchiyan, Supernumerary Fellow of Wolfson College, and Professor Linda Mulcahy, Fellow of the College Governing Body
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