Committee Nomination

Committee Nomination(s) Form
Your name
Your name
Last (Family)

Committees offering membership by election

Please select your category of membership above, then in this section select any groups you wish to join or continue to be a member of.
Electing cttees you wish to join:
Electing cttees (GBFs):
Electing cttees (EFs):

Committees offering GBF membership only by nomination

Please select any groups you wish to join or continue to be a member of.

Committees offering membership by nomination

Please select no more than three options in total.
Continue as a member
Join this committee (1st Choice)
Join this committee (2nd Choice)
Join this committee (3rd Choice)
Academic Committee (AC)
Domestic and Premises Committee (DPC)
Equality and Welfare Committee (EWC)
Finance Committee (FC)
Social and Cultural Committee (SCC)

Sub-Committees offering membership by nomination

Please select no more than three options in total and note that APF has vacancies for GBF (Social Sciences) and RF/JRF nominations only.
Continue as a member
Join this sub-committee (1st Choice)
Join this sub-committee (2nd Choice)
Join this sub-committee (3rd Choice)
Academic Proposals and Funding Sub-Committee (APF)
Art Sub-Committee (ART)
Catering Sub-Committee (CAT)
Communications Sub-Committee (COM)
Day Nursery Sub-Committee (DN)
Grounds Sub-Committee (GRO)
IT and Data Protection Sub-Committee (IT)
Library and Archives Sub-Committee (LA)
Wine Sub-Committee (WIN)

Student Declaration

Students who wish to be considered for committee membership should review the College's policy on student voluntary roles (via the link at the top of the page) and choose which of the declarations below they wish to make.
Student declaration

GDPR Declaration

GDPR declaration