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Research presentations by JRF/RFs

Add to Calendar Research presentations by JRF/RFsThe Haldane Room
Lectures and Seminars
The Haldane Room
Drs. Charlotte Kirchheller, Yunpeng Li and Jason Nurse
Event type
Lectures and Seminars
Booking Required
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There is provision for wheelchair users.
Contact name
Prof Christina Redfield
Contact email
Short talks by three JRF/RFs followed by informal dinner in Hall. The talks will be aimed at a general audience. Speakers are: Charlotte Kirchhelle - 'The importance of being edgy: how plants make organs' Yunpeng Li - 'Mosquito detection with low cost smartphones: data acquisition for malaria research' Jason Nurse - 'Behind the scenes: a cross-country study into third-party website referencing and the online advertising ecosystem' Please come along and hear about the interesting research some of the Junior Research and Research Fellows at Wolfson are doing. All welcome!